6 Meaningful Motivation Strategies for Employees

In a digitally-dominated climate, unleashing the true People potential behind a brand has become more challenging than ever. Traditional, inauthentic approaches no longer cut it in a market where employees seek more. And now with the loud quitting phenomenon on the rise, employers have to work harder than ever to engage and motivate their teams.
So, how can businesses launch effective and meaningful motivation strategies for employees, whether they’re in-office, hybrid, remote or deskless?
We explore 6 key tactics to deploy to achieve just this.
1. Ignite feedback. Employees who feel their voice is heard are 6x more likely to deliver their full potential at work. Regular feedback opportunities are key to ensuring teams not only maintain an authentic sense of belonging and purpose to the business, but have a say in what is – and isn’t – working for them to perform at their best.
2. Personalise goals. It’s crucial to provide a target that clearly specifies objectives and expectations that are personalised to both individuals and wider teams. This keeps employees’ efforts focused, plus removes ambiguity that too often results in demotivation and disengagement. Even better, provide transparency on employee progression against targets or incentives through data-led insights, so they’re empowered to maintain momentum.
3. Celebrate performance. This is fundamental to successful motivation strategies for employees. Whether it’s recognition from line managers or senior leaders, or a pat-on-the-back from a colleague, this encourages employees to feel seen and heard in their impact to encourage their best performance.
4. Reward achievements. For top performers or outstanding accomplishments, take recognition one step further with a meaningful and personalised reward. And, importantly, rewards must be delivered ‘in the moment’, so employees understand their efforts are highly valued and so are motivated to maintain high-level performance.
5. Champion values. Research shows businesses without clear purpose and values risk losing up to 50% of their workforce. At the centre of motivation strategies for employees should sit the business’ core values, which in turn, provide the framework of an authentic and empowering culture. To make the business’ vision a reality, employees need to be clear on the core values to embody and how they can go about contextualising these in their individual roles and day-to-day behaviour.
6. Centralise communications. When teams feel informed and connected, they’re more likely to give their full potential at work. This is where the importance of community comes in. Through a centralised communications strategy, every individual, particularly those who are deskless or remote, is granted transparency around wider business news, updates and stories – and is motivated to contribute to a thriving community they feel part of.
Want to explore how to revolutionise your employee motivation strategy? Chat to us about how Rippl can help.