Digital calculator

The ROI of Employee Recognition.

How can HR leaders design and deliver a strategy that evidences the ROI of employee engagement?

Championing a culture of recognition has been proven to boost employee motivation and productivity, as well as reduce absenteeism and voluntary turnover. That’s why we’ve built our ROI calculator to demonstrate personalised cost savings as a result of delivering a recognition programme.

Simply input a few details based on your company information and let our calculator do the rest to reveal the true financial impact of a reimagined People experience on your business.

Creating the ultimate employee experience.

Maximising ROI from Effective Employee Engagement.

What is the ROI of delivering an effective employee engagement strategy? Here, Rippl’s Digital Calculator tells you just this.

But first, let’s look at the costs. Did you know 85% of the global workforce is currently disengaged? Employees who feel undervalued and demotivated can cost a business 34% of their salary.

Recognition programmes are an essential engagement tool that delivers ROI through creating a more motivated, more productive workforce. When employees feel valued through the power of recognition, they are more likely to offer discretionary effort, unleash their full potential and remain in the business. After all, happy teams create happy businesses.

An effective culture of recognition streamlined with reward and a dynamic benefits offer delivers the ultimate employee experience that sets a brand’s EVP above the rest. Discover the 7 steps to doing just this within your business using this free guide.


Through the Rippl platform, we were able to put our vision for people into action and significantly increase recognition and engagement amongst our team. Peer-to-peer recognition, and visibility of it, has significantly increased, whilst our managers continue to recognise people who demonstrate our values.
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