Insights & Articles
Posted on 15 May 2018

4 Ways to Create A Great Day At Work

2 minute read

How can HR teams create a great day at work? When you think of a good day, there are visions of lunchtimes at the pub, bringing your dog to the office and endless company perks… hooray! Those would all make our working days great, right? Sure, personal passions, work/life balance and what you have for lunch all make a difference.

But the industry body, Engage for Success says that whatever you thrive on, employee engagement comes down to four key enablers. That is, there are four main reasons why people have great days at work:

Strategic narrative, engaging managers, employee voice, integrity

Whenever I read those words, I can’t help but picture four superheroes swooping down to cast their enabling superpowers on us all. Now, we’re not saying we’re superheroes exactly… but at Rippl, we help to solidify these four super pillars throughout our customers’ organisations. And, we often create tools to facilitate this: employee surveys that help managers to engage more with their team and give employees a voice, and social recognition platforms that bring an organisation’s purpose to life and establish a culture of integrity, helping employees to really believe their company’s values.

It does take time, people and culture to really fulfil this, but you’re probably wondering – where on earth do you start? Whether you’re a business leader or an employee looking to make a difference, we’ve stripped things back to basics with these four super-enabling things you can do to create a great day at work for your teams:

9am – Hold a company breakfast
Suggest a breakfast, lunch or 10-minute meeting where leaders can share messages and update the wider team on the direction you’re headed (aka the strategic narrative). Give people the chance to ask questions and make suggestions, empowering them to be a part of your story. A free breakfast bap would go down a treat too!

12pm – Set up a coaching session
Managers or mentors who coach, stretch and treat their people as individuals can do wonders – not just for the individual themselves but their team and organisation. Set up a coaching session with those you manage or mentor and explore all of their successes and recent achievements, as well as set future objectives.

3pm – Write on the wall
Ask that burning question you’ve had in the back of your mind or join a conversation that’s already started. Whether a virtual timeline or a physical graffiti wall, having space to “share and air” gives employees the opportunity to voice their views, and feel involved and listened to. Don’t have one yet? You’re just an empty wall away!

5pm – Keep a promise
Whether it’s taking on more people, giving credit to those who deserve it or letting your team leave an hour early on a Friday, make a pact with yourself to fulfil that promise you’ve made. Pretty soon you’ll start to instil a culture of authenticity, integrity and trust.

Want to know more about how to create a great day at work for your teams?
We speak to companies and their people about their goals and challenges first, and then we look at how we can help them to have great days. Check out our customer case studies and if you want to chat further, get in touch.

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