A one-stop-shop to design, implement and evidence your employee engagement strategy.
- Examine the commercial outputs of recognition, reward and benefits programmes.
- Understand the 4 key levels of recognition and reward.
- Explore our platform buying checklist to effectively meet your employee and business needs.
- Learn how to build an effective strategy proposition and pitch for budget holders.
As an uncertain climate continues into 2023, HR leaders face the ongoing challenge of recruiting, maximising and retaining their most critical asset to success.
With 35% of employees predicted to leave their role in the next year, and shifts in workers’ priorities pushing recognition and reward programmes to the top of the agenda, businesses must revolutionise their engagement strategy in order to sharpen their competitive edge.
At Rippl, we understand the power of recognition and reward in driving engagement, productivity and retention – but don’t just take our word for it:
- 82% of employees are happier when recognised at work.
- Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their role and are 21% more profitable to the business.
- 41% of companies with peer-to-peer recognition schemes see an increase in customer satisfaction.
Which is why the Rippl experience leads to engaged users being 3x more likely to remain in their role.
Join the 70% of large employers rethinking their reward and benefit offer for 2023. Because happy people mean happy businesses.