Feedback & Surveys

Agile employee feedback and surveys.

Did you know, employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6x more likely to deliver their full potential at work?

Forget manual, clumsy processes. Rippl’s digital employee feedback and surveys feature is easy to deploy and smooth to manage. Through interactive polls, engaging surveys and idea submission hubs, keep you finger on the pulse for what your teams want and need to continue optimising the People experience. Smart technology automates idea submissions to the appropriate stakeholder to keep responses quick and relevant using Rippl’s pre-built templates.

Key feedback features
Get instant live feedback from your people with quick-to-deploy platform polls.
Distribute in-depth employee engagement surveys or share around quick pulse surveys to gather meaningful insight.
'Write to HQ'
The best results come from collaboration. Encourage innovative ideas for the business from teams at every level using handy templates that allow relevant stakeholders to quickly respond.
Customisable reporting
Monitor both quantitative and qualitative employee feedback using the integrated Microsoft Power BI reporting suite.
The platform is proving invaluable, enabling us to have open, transparent lines of communication across our network at all levels, mixing both business and more light-hearted comms so that everyone feels connected and informed, as well as boosting the morale of our hard-working people.
Get feedback when you need it
Replace dated annual engagement surveys with a mix of structured and pulse surveys to take temperature checks of your people in line with business changes.
Segment and measure feedback
Use Rippl’s powerful reporting to target specific employee groups, helping you to gain meaningful insight that drives improvement.
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