The 7 Steps for Building a World-Class Culture of Recognition

A one-stop-shop to implement a world-class culture and engagement strategy that sets your brand apart:

  • Learn industry statistics demonstrating the moral and business case for a culture of recognition.
  • Identify the 6 most common mistakes of employee recognition programmes.
  • Discover the checklist for reimagining traditional, low-impact recognition.
  • Explore how to build, maximise and evidence a culture of recognition at every level within the business using the 7-step Recognition Pyramid.
  • Examine real-world examples of how recognition has transformed People strategies for leading brands.
  • Access a free handy template for building a compelling business case for stakeholders.
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Why a culture of recognition?

Just like customers, employees expect a world-class experience from their organisation. Recognition has never been more key in setting a brand apart in the race to attract and retain talent through defining a culture and engagement strategy like no other.

Despite growing evidence, recognition too often remains overlooked in its power to not only transform an employer brand but also unleash its employees’ potential. Growing demand from employees to feel valued and supported at work has also now made delivering a culture of recognition both a moral and commercial imperative for businesses who want to sharpen their competitive edge.

Especially with 35% of employees predicted to leave their role this year, rising to 40% for deskless workers.

For people:

  • Nearly half (44%) of employees left their last role due to inadequate recognition.
  • 79% of Millennials say recognition and reward boost their loyalty to their employer – and by 2025, Millennials will make up over 75% of the global workforce.
  • 64% of remote workers believe recognition is key for them feeling valued.
  • 58% of employees say recognition is crucial to improving their engagement at work.
  • 92% of employees report recognition to be the third most important aspect in their employment.

For businesses:

  • Effective recognition programmes result in a 31% lower voluntary turnover.
  • 84% of employers believe recognition boosts employee engagement.
  • 85% of HR leaders report effective recognition to strengthen organisational culture.
  • Businesses delivering an effective culture of recognition are 12x more likely to have strong commercial outcomes.

Happy people create happy businesses. Use this free guide to explore how to implement a world-class culture of recognition within your business to fully unleash your people power.